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Truehoop, a basketball blog that’s one of

Truehoop, a basketball blog that’s one of the best out there on any topic, has been purchased by ESPN. Congrats, Henry.

Great True Hoop piece on Allen Iverson

Great True Hoop piece on Allen Iverson. “In other words, missed in all the hand-wringing about his lackadaisical practice habits in the NBA is the possibility that so much of his work is cerebral. Unlike, say, Jordan, who was a craftsman, someone who would take hundreds of jumpshots a day, Iverson imagines the possibility and then acts it out.”

TrueHoop has a good roundup of Kobe’s 81

TrueHoop has a good roundup of Kobe’s 81-point performance the other night. Quoth Henry: “This is the first time I have put something that happened last night straight into the ‘basketball history’ category of TrueHoop.”