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Russert miracles

Maybe I should institute a recurring feature on…the Christopher Hitchens Quote of the Week or some such thing. This week’s installment comes from an article on the media’s over-exuberance in reporting on the death of Tim Russert and the “miracles” (bipartisanship, Springsteen, a rainbow) that followed.

No benign deity plucks television news-show hosts from their desks in the prime of life and then hastily compensates their friends and family by displays of irradiated droplets in the sky

Tim Russert anecdote

An anecdote from Tim Russert’s funeral:

Russert’s onetime boss, former New York governor Mario Cuomo, offered the day’s only example of Russert blatantly lying. After Cuomo pushed through the nation’s first seat-belt law in 1985, the two men were in a Buffalo motorcade when their car was struck from behind and Cuomo โ€” having forgotten to buckle up โ€” hit the dashboard. As reporters rushed over, Russert blurted out: “Thank God for the seat belt!”