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Powerful photo essay on Chernobyl, 20 years after

Powerful photo essay on Chernobyl, 20 years after the accident. Photographer Paul Fusco says the damage was so great that he thought he was looking at “a different race of people”. (thx, lisa)

Russia plans to drive a golf ball

Russia plans to drive a golf ball off of the ISS with a gold-plated, scandium alloy six-iron into a four-year, low-earth orbit….which may actually damage the space station if the ball is not “hit out of the station’s orbital plane”. I understand this event will be debuting at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.

Weblog detailing a journey across Russia on the trans-Siberian railway

Weblog detailing a journey across Russia on the trans-Siberian railway.

I made a decision a

I made a decision a couple days ago. I’m going to stop using all lowercase text in my writing (except for here because the style has already been established and I don’t care to change it).

Why change? It’s getting old, and it is harder for people to read. I’ll still use it occasionally, when it is warranted, but for the most part, I’ll be using capital letters again, just like most of you.

So, if you receive a piece of personal correspondence from me that’s written in lowercase, feel free to kick my ass.