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I got two great things in the

I got two great things in the mail yesterday. I’ll talk about the second one in a bit, but the first is Kim Chinquee’s book of flash fictions and prose poems, Oh Baby. Here’s an excerpt:

She sent me pictures of the cake. They had a flaming onion, whisky sours, steak and fried potatoes. They gambled at the Soaring Eagle, losing hundreds and then thousands. “You got married to my mom,” I said to him on my end. I got married at the Justice of the Peace, picking up two people, offering to pay them. The first said no thanks and the second said he was too injured. We found another couple who seemed angelic, their voices a team, an echo. “She’s a catch,” he said, kind of laughing. I heard him on the exhale. He smoked on the back porch that faced a lake, where we’d once gone fishing, catching nothing worth keeping.