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Brawndo’s got what plants crave, now so can you

While I’m no connoisseur of energy drinks, I do appreciate a good cult comedy movie like “Idiocracy (2006)”. So it’s worth a laugh that the movie’s fictional ultrastupid energy beverage Brawndo: The Thirst Mutilator is being put on the market by an actual extreme beverage company. For those unfamiliar with “Idiocracy” (you poor bastards) Brawndo is what we will use to irrigate the crops in our inevitably stupid future because it’s got what plants crave (electrolytes).

The very Internetty commercial they’ve produced, I had assumed was created by the sketch group picnicface that hit YouTube six months ago with its tonally-identical Powerthirst commercial. There’s no mention of a connection on the picnicface site, so it makes me wonder if liberties were taken and what credit is due.


Update: The voice you hear in the Brawndo spot is confirmed to be Mark from picnicface. One and the same. Credit is given, at the end of the video. Now I can mutilate my thirst with a clear conscience.