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Ben Stein on “what’s new and hot

Ben Stein on “what’s new and hot and exciting” in the world on money: “The most sought after jobs in the United States now are jobs in finance in which basically almost no money is raised for new steel mills or coal mines, but immense sums are raised to buy companies, recapitalize them โ€” which means pay the new owners immense special dividends and other payments for going to the trouble of taking over the company. This process results in fantastically well-paid investment bankers and private equity ‘financial engineers’ and has no measurably beneficial effect on the economy generally. It does facilitate the making of ever younger millionaires and an ever more leveraged American corporate structure.”

Ben Stein muses about taxes, but the

Ben Stein muses about taxes, but the Warren Buffett stuff at the beginning of the article is the most interesting bit. “In conversation it came up that Mr. Buffett doesn’t use any tax planning at all. He just pays as the Internal Revenue Code requires.”