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A Brief Tour of the Exceptional

I’d like to take a quick moment to point out a few people whose work I find extraordinary.

Aaron Winslow, who is creating a small bestiary of contemporary office life.

Barry Stone, whose photography I mentioned earlier this week.

Cooper Renner, current editor of elimae and NYPL selected poet of the 21st century.

Daryl Scroggins, a fellow clusterflocker and fiction writer whose work Gordon Lish praised in Esquire.

Diane Williams, who edits NOON, and whose fiction needs no introduction, but whose work I consider to be among the strongest in American literature.

Jane Unrue, for her extraordinary fictional voice.

Mike Sarki, whose book Zimble Zamble Zumble I designed for elimae, and whose poetry has been championed by Gordon Lish.

Mike Topp, also published at elimae and The Quarterly, whose poetry redefines the category.

Norman Lock, author of A History of the Imagination, among many others, whose writing deserves an audience as vast as his intelligence.

And, of course, Amy Mabli, who, when she presents herself to the world, will own it.

My friend, the incredibly talented photographer, Barry

My friend, the incredibly talented photographer, Barry Stone is exhibiting an outdoor installation of large photographs of Galaxies made from flour at the BBAP in Houston.