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Sale of Iconic Magnum Photos to Benefit NAACP

Magnum Square Sale 2020

Magnum Square Sale 2020

Magnum Square Sale 2020

Magnum Photos and Vogue are teaming up for a week-long print sale to benefit the NAACP.

Solidarity, the July 2020 Square Print Sale, will bring together over 100 images by international visual artists in support of the NAACP. In a year of global societal and political upheaval that has seen the Black Lives Matter cause taken up around the world as well as hundreds of millions facing government restrictions on movement, this theme challenges participating photographers to reflect upon the power of togetherness in tumultuous times.

The photographers and their subjects include bold-faced names like Muhammad Ali, Angela Davis, Bruce Davidson, Barack Obama, and Robert Capa, but there is strong work throughout from amazing photographers all over the world. Each print is $100 and either signed by the photographer or stamped by their estate and 50% of the proceeds will go to the NAACP. Check out the full selection here; the sale ends on Aug 2.

Above from top to bottom, activist Angela Davis by Philippe Halsman, Sapphire by Khalik Allah, and Groupe Acrobatique de Tanger by Hassan Hajjaj. (via colossal)