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Wonderful owl portraits

Brad Wilson Owl

Brad Wilson Owl

Brad Wilson Owl

From the newly launched site for the National Audubon Society, some gorgeous photos of owls from Brad Wilson.

It’s not easy to get owls to mug for the camera. Even in captivity the birds remain aloof, unruffled by the flash and unmoved by attempts to bribe them. Photographer Brad Wilson learned that lesson firsthand after trying to win over owls from the World Bird Sanctuary in St. Louis and The Wildlife Center near Espanola, New Mexico. He spent hours with each bird, trying to capture its direct gaze. “It’s hard to get animals to look at you like humans do,” he says. “That shot became my holy grail.”

I’ve featured Wilson’s animal photography on the site before. Tons more on his site.

Beautiful portraits of animals by photographer Brad Wilson

Brad Wilson

For his recently released book Wild Life, Brad Wilson shot photos of all kinds of animals on a black background, resulting in unusually expressive portraits.

Brad Wilson

Brad Wilson

Reminds me of Jill Greenberg’s monkey portraits…expressive in the same way.