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The fastest gun in the world

There are so many really fantastic things about this video and its subject, Bob Munden. To start: look at how fast he can shoot his gun and re-holster it! I’ve seen it 20 times and I still can’t believe it.

The only thing that rivals Munden’s quickness with a gun is his confidence.

BM: Fast-draw is the fastest thing a human being does. Nodody does anything faster than what I do with guns.

Q: Can you give a comparison with something that would come close but is not as fast?

BM: Speed of light. Which is far beyond it. There is nothing next to it.

Shades of Ali. (Or as Munden might put it, in Ali, we can see shades of Munden.) To date, he has not shot himself in the crotch, which seems to me to be a minor miracle. (thx, dan)