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Books and music are dangerous

Bookstores and record shops are dangerous, dangerous places for impressionable youths like myself. I almost walked out of the mall with all sorts of new books and CDs. But then, being the conservative shopper I am, I remembered that I really don’t have the funds to spend on such items and walked out with nothing.

At some point though, I’m going to have to get some new books and music. I haven’t heard any good music or read any good new books in ages…which is bad bad. New books make the ideas flow nicely out of my brain while new music makes designing less tedious.

My music shopping list for the future: the Orb “Best of” CD, the new Paul Oakenfold, DJ Micro, Unkle, Pi Soundtrack, and so much more. For books: the Lord of the Rings Trilogy (a nice 4-piece hardcover edition including The Hobbit), Hannibal (the sequel to Silence of the Lambs), and the ever so many physics books that I just haven’t had the time to read.