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The February 28 Economic Blackout

an illustration of a rabbit surrounded by text about the economic boycott on Feb 28

A broad range of Americans are organizing a 24-hour economic boycott on February 28th to protest the ongoing actions of the Trump administration and to send a message to corporate America. From The People’s Union USA website, here are the details:

  • The boycott runs all day on February 28th.
  • People are urged to not make any purchases that day. No online shopping or in person.
  • Do not spend money on: fast food, gas, or at major retailers. “No Amazon, no Walmart, no Best Buy.”
  • If you need to buy essentials (food, medicine, emergency supplies), do so at small, local businesses and try to pay cash.

The idea is to show corporate America, using the thing they best understand (money), how much power Americans have when collectively organized. Organizers have billed this as an initial move (“if they don’t listen…we make the next blackout longer”) and have planned follow-up economic actions.

Awesome rabbit illustration by Martha Rich.


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