Slow Start Today…
It turns out when you get a flat tire after hitting a pothole in the middle of nowhere late at night and you don’t have a spare1 in a state where everyone goes to bed at 9:15pm, you’re just kinda shit outta luck? Huge thanks to Caroline and her sleepy, confused dog for coming to retrieve me. ๐
So yeah anyway, things might be a little wonky around here today because I got very little sleep and I need to see about that flat. ๐คทโโ๏ธ
- I’m gonna head everyone off at the pass here and tell you that I had a portable air compressor and an emergency puncture kit with me that were both useless for this type of flat unfortunately.↩
Comments 11
Oof, at least it's warmer outside this week.
Sigh! Good luck. The random can be debilitating.
Dang, that sucks. Especially without a spare!
I had to repair a flat yesterday. I was able to do it with a tire repair kit. The one I had with me broke mid-fix. I also started carrying a canister of "fix a flat" which I pulled out after breaking the first tire repair kit. I wanted to avoid changing the tire, and when I opened the top, the plastic bit that goes from nozzle to the tire was snapped off. So much for being prepared!
Our heat went out over the weekend, repair guy yesterday, only to wake up in the middle of the night to the stink of heating oil that was spilling out in my basement. The icing on the cake is that I had to inter two dead robins, a dead vole, and a squirrel in my yard. Thankfully the Robins weren't human women named Robin .... THIS TIME!!! Booohooohahahahahahahaha
Vermont potholes are in a class of their own. Sometimes positively car-wrecking.
Next time pull the inner tube and find the hole, then tie a knot at that point. You can then hobble your way home....if you have a pump of course.
With a car tire???
Reminding me that I really need to learn how to put on my spare tire.
We also, at like 12:45am, got passed by a car going the wrong way on our side of the interstate. We learned this morning that the driver got arrested for "Gross Negligent Operation, Attempting to Elude, and DUI". โ the cops had to use spike strips to stop the car. Too much excitement for one evening.
Oof. Glad you're safe.
Yup, been there, not fun. Got a huge sidewall puncture once. Turns out, putting big wheels on heavy EVs makes it hard to find replacement tires in small towns. I miss having a car with 15 rims and more standard tire/wheel sizes.
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