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A Quick Anniversary Note

Today somehow marks 20 years of writing/editing/designing/producing as my full-time job (and almost 27 years in total).1 Here’s part of what I wrote five years ago to mark the 15th anniversary:

It seemed like madness at the time β€” I’d quit my web design job a few months earlier in preparation, pro blogs existed (Gawker was on its 3rd editor) but very few were personal, general, and non-topical like mine, and I was attempting to fund it via a then-largely-unproven method: crowdfunding. As I wrote on Twitter the other day, attempting this is “still the most bonkers I-don’t-know-if-this-is-going-to-work thing I’ve ever done”.

Thanks to everyone for reading and for all the support over the years.

  1. I texted a friend yesterday: My website is older than Doechii. (It’s somehow been around for more than a quarter of the entire lifetime of the New Yorker magazine. And almost 11% of the age of the United States of America, which it might outlast who knows?)

Comments  9

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Meghan Lowe

Happy anniversary! So grateful for all the amazing work you do here.

Kate O

Jason, congratulations on twenty years and thank you! I do not wish to know what my life would be like without for the last two decades. Thank you, parasocial brother.

Pete Ashton


Isaac Halstead

Happy anniversary!

My uncle told me about this site some time c. 2002 when I was late in high school. I’m very grateful for the content over the years. This was really my introduction to blogs (along with mikeindustries at the time). Thanks and keep it up!!

Caroline G.


Chris Koerner

It’s an institution! Love that you’re still around keeping the web good.

Dirk Bergstrom

Congratulations and thank you for being one of the best sites on the net for ... forever.

Bill Amstutz

my favorite place on the net, congratulations, Jason

Craig Mod

πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ yesssssss πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

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