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Women Are Scared And Scrapping Their Baby Plans Under This Administration & For Good Reason. “I don’t want to die trying to have another baby. I don’t want to leave my own living child motherless.”

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Jason KottkeMOD

I'm opening comments on this post, but only for those who are altering (or have already altered) their family planning due to the social, economic, or political conditions in the US (or if you have specific family planning expertise) — we'd love to hear about your experience if you are willing to share. Especially women. I understand if you have opinions about what women and families should be doing right now, but you are free to express them elsewhere. Thanks.

Caroline G.

I am pretty certain I don’t want to have kids, but turning 40 this year brings up some inevitable “time is running out to change your mind…” thoughts. I really fucking resent that the rise of fascism has to be a part of my decision-making equation.

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