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Legendary actor Gene Hackman has died at the age of 95. Hackman, his wife Betsy Arakawa, and their dog were found dead at their home yesterday. “Foul play was not suspected.”

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Craig Mod

how … is there not foul play if everyone died at the same time?

Amanda D

carbon monoxide leak?

enbeecee Edited

Murder/suicide? Because "foul play" may not describe that scenario.

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Chris Koerner

The Royal Tenenbaums is one of my favorite films. Hackman played such a great charlatan in that film.


I heard somewhere not long ago — maybe Jamelle Bouie's podcast — that Hackman never changed his hair, barely used makeup, and didn't rely on wardrobe (standard uniforms for military roles, ordinary clothes for most everything else), and yet he was distinct in every role. Has anyone ever acted better with the corner of their eyes? And he used his voice so well. He never seemed miscast but that just shows how he could make any kind of role his own. Just amazing.

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