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The Evolution of Electronic Music (1929-2019). Interesting that it took so long for electronic music to creep into pop music and now you can barely find any music that doesn’t have electronic music in it.

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Rachel Anderson

Its not included in the video but I remember Gary Numan’s “Cars” (1979) bringing a definitively different vibe to the pop charts.

Ken Smoker

Pretty fun! Still, I can’t really respect an electronic music compilation that omits Stockhausen and Wendy Carlos and ignores any non-EDM electronic music post-1990.

Brian W Edited

I can't believe they didn't mention Switched on Bach!!! From wikipedia: "Switched-On Bach reached number 10 on the US Billboard 200 chart and topped the Billboard Classical Albums chart from 1969 to 1972. By June 1974, it had sold over one million copies, and in 1986 it became the second classical album to be certified platinum."

They hint at Carlos with the inclusion of the Clockwork Orange theme, but don't mention her name at all.

Reb Butler

Agreed...also: um, Brian Eno, anyone?

Charles Matthew Chen

Omission (Erasure?) of gay and black contributions. Detroit techno, early house, Jamaican dub, electro, etc.

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