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A kid named Big Balls (with some shady stuff in his past) hacked into gov’t computer systems for Elon Musk, but “there’s little chance that he could have passed a background check for privileged access to government systems” (that he now has access to).

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Jason KottkeMOD

Cybercrime and security journalist Brian Krebs has more information on Big Balls (Edward Coristine):

Here's the real story behind why Coristine only worked at Path for a few months. He was fired after Webb accused him of making it known that one of Path's employees was Curtis Gervais, a serial swatter from Canada who was convicted of perpetrating dozens of swattings and bomb threats — including at least two attempts on our home in 2014.

Jason Kottke reposted

Oh man, I have so many stories about that "startup". The founder Marshall Webb spent a year harassing me because I posted a research paper on the Mirai botnet (he considered himself to be the sole authority). It later turned out his knowledge came from him personally hosting their infrastructure 1/5

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