Members of Musk’s team have tried to gain access to servers at the NOAA. Project 2025 says the agency is “‘harmful to US prosperity’ for its role in climate science”. Their data collection and capabilities would be a massive loss.
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Members of Musk’s team have tried to gain access to servers at the NOAA. Project 2025 says the agency is “‘harmful to US prosperity’ for its role in climate science”. Their data collection and capabilities would be a massive loss.
Comments 6
NOAA manages large ocean fisheries in US waters. Scientists there conduct surveys, sample fish, and run complex models to estimate the levels of sustainable catches. NOAA is recognized as a world leader in creating jobs, producing food, and avoiding overfishing. Kudos to NOAA fisheries!!!!
You won't encounter a less-political and more publicly beneficial organization than NOAA. It's filled with scientists, technicians, and analysts who entered their fields because they love what they do. The competence-to-fat ratio is probably higher at NOAA than anywhere. Destroying it is abhorrent.
Losing NOAA would be devastating. Project 2025 authors want to get rid of it because it monitors climate change, and privatize the information it currently provides for free, so you'll have to buy information about the weather and the winds (imperative for mariners).
An update from Wired less than an hour ago:
From the Sierra Club back in August 2024: What Would Happen to Science if the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Were Broken Up?
The NOAA's page showing the daily CO2 concentration at the Mauna Loa Observatory, a key measurement of our changing climate, is offline. It's unclear whether this is due to Musk's attacks, a Trump executive order, or some other cause. (via @jd)
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