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More on Musk’s alarming unconstitutional seizure of the Treasury Department payments system: they’ve had admin access since Jan 31 and have already made changes to the system’s *live code*. (Good luck getting your tax refund if you voted for Harris?)

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Jason Kottke reposted

Confirmation & acknowledgement of prior reporting is just as important as getting scoops. It builds networks of reporters and facts that readers can rely on. ๐Ÿ‘

Jason KottkeMOD

404 Media has obtained the audio of a briefing of government personnel by one of Musk's team:

Thomas Shedd, a Musk-associate and now head of the General Services Administration's Technology Transformation Services (TTS), told government tech workers in a meeting this week that the administration plans to widely deploy AI throughout the government. Shedd also said the administration would need help altering, a government login system, to further integrate with sensitive systems like social security "to further identify individuals and detect and prevent fraud," which employees identified on the meeting as "an illegal task."

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