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Ebooks are now available from Bookshop[dot]org. You can read the ebooks you buy in the browser or with their app, but you can’t read them with an ereader (like the Kindle).

Comments  4

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Jason KottkeMOD

This NY Times article has more info.

Jesse R.

Correct me if I'm wrong since I don't own a product in this category (though I've been thinking about it for a while!), but aren't there several Android-based e-ink e-readers that should be able to run their android app?

Jake Z

Yes, the Gentle Librarian should support this. Feels oddly un-Bookshop that you can’t just download your purchases, though I get that it’s probably a restriction from the publishers. I wonder if the app is any good — I’m so persnickety about the typography of my ereading.

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Dirk Bergstrom

I have a pretty firm No DRM policy for ebook purchases and so far I haven't had cause to regret it. It's a damn shame that the book publishing industry has so adamantly hung on to DRM, long after music gave up on it. The only major publisher I know of that doesn't use DRM is Tor Books.

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