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The planned new spinoff of the CBS series “FBI” will focus on CIA agents and is currently titled “FBI: CIA”. 😂 Not even The Simpsons at its peak could have come up with something this nonsensical.

Comments  9

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Jason KottkeMOD Edited

The next spin-off will be about the ATF working with NSA agents who are working with the CIA & FBI and will be called (FBI: CIA × ATF)^NSA. (For extra credit, solve for A.)

Adam Roberts

This is shooting on my street right now!

Tim Erskine

For international flavor, other spinoffs will include FBI:MI6, FBI:Mossad, and FBI:Interpol

Leon Barnard

They are really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. Have you seen the ads for the new show “Watson”? It’s about doctors who are also somehow detectives (or is it the other way around?).
You can picture the 30-second brainstorming session for that one.
Soon all we’ll be left with are doctor shows, detective shows, and doctor-detective shows.

Jay C

Somebody call Rob Harvilla and his sequel to the "60 Songs That Explain the 90s" podcast, "60 Songs That Explain the 90s: The 2000s."

Patrick T

Glad to see the former Dell product-naming guy found work so fast.

Matt G

Who even watches this stuff?

Ben Carelock

I’m all for free speech and all, but I don’t hate the idea of a moratorium on new doctor shows or crime procedurals.

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