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A real-time map of passenger trains in the US and Canada. Good for marveling at the teensy, embarrassing number of trains operating in the US.

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Such a shame. I lived in Pittsburgh for 6 months a few years ago and took the Pennsylvanian to New York maybe 7 or 8 times and it was fantastic. It's a 9 hour trip and I could've just stared out the window the whole time. The best.

Jason KottkeMOD

(But really, it should be a 2-3 hour trip. Plenty of window-staring time!)


It's what, 370mi between those two cities? That's 41MPH. OMG.


It makes 16 stops, including a de-training for all passengers in Philly. It's basically a local!

Ross Bell

Consider yourselves lucky. In Canada there is a grand total ONE train that carries passengers across the entire country. Where I live, Regina, Saskatchewan (the provincial capital, BTW), there is no train whatsoever. Or buses. Thank you, capitalism.

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