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An audio recording of the audience’s reaction to Star Wars in 1977, synced to the action of the movie. “This audio was recorded in 1977 when my mother took me to see Star Wars.”

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This is how I remember it, plus it’s great to see the original explosion.

Trent Seigfried

If I had to make a list of "top ten most important scenes in cinematic history," that one would probably make the list. Everything about that is... *chef's kiss*

Lorem Ipsum

Like bullseye-ing a womp rat in a T-16.

Paul D.

Will never forget seeing that movie in the theater that Summer as a wide-eyed nine-year old. What's interesting to me is I remember seeing the trailer for it and thinking it was going to be dumb. I can't remember how many times I saw it but I do remember a kid on my baseball team, whose Mom was a server in the Mall pizza joint, said he saw it 67 times.

Lorem Ipsum

I was ten years old that summer. I remember having two thoughts about Star Wars (and "Jaws" two years prior): 1) Why are people lining up around the block to see a movie?? 2) Why are people paying to rewatch the same movie three or four times?

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Jeff Koke

I was 10 when my parents took me to Star Wars. I remember just being in dumb awe for hours afterwards. I saw it 10 more times, usually with friends when my parents wouldn't take me. It is definitely one of the defining moments of my generation.

Colter Mccorkindale

I hear a persistent squeaky sound: the rotation of the tape recorder wheels maybe?

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