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A caffeine calculator that tells you how much of your favorite beverage would kill you. “287.4 cans of Pepsi is a lethal dose.”

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Tom Robertson

Wait. What. I legit thought caffeine was benign.

John B

Nope, definitely toxic, we just have fancy livers that are good at keeping us alive. But it's why you can't let your dog drink coffee (mine I think is mostly going for the milk residue but I have to watch him), they don't have our fancy liver and it will hurt them in pretty low doses.

Michael Tyznik

Literally anything will kill you with a high enough dose, including water. 287.4 cans is ~102 liters of soda. A woman died after drinking 7.6 liters of water in a contest, so you'd much more likely die from just the water way before the caffeine would harm you.

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Kelly Mcclain

There is a lot of room before 'ideal' and 'deadly'. I think I will celebrate by pulling another shot or 5...

Michael Tyznik

You'd probably die from water toxicity before the caffeine killed you.

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