Every Star Trek Movie, Ranked. I think the top 5 here are correct, although you could maybe swap them around a bit. I might put First Contact ahead of The Undiscovered Country for instance.
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Every Star Trek Movie, Ranked. I think the top 5 here are correct, although you could maybe swap them around a bit. I might put First Contact ahead of The Undiscovered Country for instance.
Comments 7
Yeah this list crystallizes what I think is the conventional wisdom, but doesn't really push anybody's preferences very hard. I've heard strong cases that The Final Frontier is better than advertised, for example.
Yeah, I would not have put Final Frontier last...it's an enjoyable watch, more so than many of the TNG or JJ ones.
I realize Trekkies find it fun to rip on The Final Frontier, but in no way is it worse than Nemesis, Into Darkness, or Insurrection. The bookend scenes of Kirk, Spock, and McCoy at Yosemite are worth the price of admission alone, and I've softened somewhat on the middle section of the movie which becomes a lot more fun if you see it more campy than serious.
I think the top 5 is accurate though.
Into Darkness is the worst Star Trek film. Final Frontier is probably the weakest one with the original cast, but it is not the worst Star Trek film.
I saw First Contact opening night at the dearly departed Uptown theatre in downtown Toronto. I was 16 or 17. There were actual cosplayers of Klingons and Borg in line with us before anyone called them that. There were a bunch of cheers and whoops at various points and the atmosphere was just so fun and jubilant. Man I miss that era.
So happy to see Wrath of Khan in its rightful place as number one. Not just my favorite Star Trek movie but one of my favorite movies of all time. Nothing else comes close to merging my love of literature (Tale of Two Cities AND Moby Dick?!) with the final frontier of space!!
Undiscovered Country and First Contact are honestly tied for me... maybe UD gets the tiniest leg up with Christopher Plummer's scene gnawing perfection
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