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The Weirdest TV Crossovers of All Time include St. Elsewhere + Cheers, Arrested Development + Law & Order: SVU, Alice + The Dukes of Hazzard, and Mr. Robot + Alf.

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Jason Kottke reposted

Oooh ooh is the A Team and Knight Rider one in there? I would have loved an Airwolf + Knight Rider, but they were different networks.

Caroline G.

Does the 30 Rock episode where they reunite the cast of Night Court count as a crossover?

Marc B.

Honestly it was the Strange New Worlds Lower Decks crossover episode that got us to watch Lower Decks in the first place! I was avoiding it as “just another animated show” but it quickly became one of my favorites. Strange New Worlds is still above it as I adore that show but kudos to the team behind Lower Decks!


I'm a huge Community fan, and had no idea Abed actually filmed that cameo on Couger Town. It was a delight to see a little bit of new Community (-ish) after 10 years.

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