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Huh, there’s going to be a Blade Runner 2099 TV series. It stars Michelle Yeoh & Hunter Schafer and will premiere at some point on Amazon Prime.

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John R Burnett

I got the Philip K Dick book that Blade Runner was adapted from for Christmas, "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep," and there is a lot more about actual electric sheep than I recall being in the movie. I wonder what the next speculative sci-fi jump for 2099 will be.

Paul Pomeroy

Have to admit, seeing the image of Michelle Yeoh I was a bit disappointed this wasn't about some EEAAO sequel.

Max Oakland

That would be amazing but I also think EEAAO is the type of movie that doesn't need a sequel and it's weird we live in an era where almost everything seems to get one

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Max Oakland

That's pretty exciting. I could see this being really good


From the streamer that canceled The Peripheral after one season? ๐Ÿ™€

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