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Clip is a “plug & play” unit that upgrades almost any bike to an e-bike. The “no-tools” gadget clips onto to the front forks of a bike and provides up to 12 miles of range.

Comments  8

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Matt Grieser

I like that it comes off easily and charges quickly. I want to see reports on tire wear though.

[email protected]

That was my same thought, coming from Computrainer land, we would blow tubes all the time once the tire got worn, as the heat would build up due to the friction. Feels like this would work best with newer thicker tires, maybe even tubeless? Also worried a bit on front fenders? Anyway, fun idea, hope it works!

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Dougal Featherstone

I can just about remember seeing old Dutch men using the fossil version of these!

And while looking up that link I came across this suffragette on a scooter which is several shades of awesome.

Max Oakland

That's pretty awesome! Could help if you have to bike extra far some days

Jason Kottke reposted

Turns any bike into a 1950s France VelosolexéloSoleX

Natalie J

These sort of things look great for commuting.

There's a similar kit offered by which is a replacement wheel/hub.

Allister Banks

‘Quick release’ on wheels make it so you can have mostly tool-free attachment, which is why I don’t know how things like the Copenhagen Wheel didn’t seem to take off. But for all these assist things you’re almost certainly getting the least efficiency with this design, it goes from drivetrain-based to rear to front to riding above like this. Still it’s of course great to have more options.

Aaron Pikcilingis

I think the Copenhagen wheel was just too expensive and required an annoying proprietary app and authentication process. The company that made them ended support for the apps, but a community has sprung up to create a web app that actually makes them work better than when Superpedestrian was running things.

(If you own a copenhagen wheel you thought was unusuable, rejoice!)

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