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Louis Armstrong Reads ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas

While poking around for Christmas music, I found this little-known recording of Louis Armstrong reading ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas, recorded shortly before he died.

The poem, first published in 1823, would be Armstrong’s final commercial recording. Armstrong taped it on February 26, 1971, on a reel-to-reel recorder at his home in Queens, New York, during his last spell of good health.

Truly one of the great voices of all time.

Comments  2

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Jake Zien

For Christmas music, I cannot recommend highly enough 1990โ€™s Christmas Party With Eddie G, a compilation of oddities and surf-rock tunes. Super fun and unusual. A refreshing rejoinder to the hoary old classics.

Kendall Henderson

oh man this was so great. his voice just makes you feel something. listening to him put me more in the christmas spirit than i've been all month.

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