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Former President Jimmy Carter has died at the age of 100. Easily the most impactful former President in US history and, too rarely for that powerful position, a good man.

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Timothy C Truxell

And a better and more visionary president than people give him credit for (through Reagan’s devil eyeglasses)

Jason KottkeMOD

From political science professor Tim Longman on Bluesky:

I want to push back against the conventional wisdom I'm seeing that Carter was a failed president but an excellent ex-president. In fact, his presidency was groundbreaking.

Jason KottkeMOD

And speaking of Reagan, right-wingers sabotaged Carter's re-election bid by urging Iran to hold 52 Americans hostage until after election day — an action that was illegal, immoral, and treasonous...and for which the Republican Party was rewarded. (Nixon did something similar with the Vietnam War peace talks in 1968.)

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