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Absolutely brilliant interactive explainer on everything about the Moon: how it moves, how it formed, what causes tides, solar eclipses, etc. So fun to play with all the gravity widgets in this.

Comments  2

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MacRae Linton

Bartosz Ciechanowski posts 3-4 times a year and every post goes into as much detail as this. The GPS one and Watch ones are particular favorites of mine. I'd definitely add him to your feed reader it's a rare blog that is so high quality

Jason Kottke reposted

@kottke The whole archive ( is gold TBH, and it looks like all (or most of the ones I tested ) of these incredible pages save nicely to work offline too, a super cool feature for educational resources like these.

I mean, sure just share the link, but you could give a curious kid a USB stick with these on it, and I can't put my finger on it, but that seems cooler in a way

#offline #education #science #engineering

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