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You can watch the first five seasons of The Dick Van Dyke show on YouTube for free โ€” the first season is here.

Comments  1

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Steven Crozier

While some parts of the show have not aged all that well (and Larry Matthews retains his crown as Worst Child Actor of All Time), two things stood out for me on a recent re-watch of the first couple seasons: (1) The opportunity to witness the birth of a sitcom goddess as MTM comes into her own with her impeccable comic timing and song-and-dance chops (I read somewhere that Rose Marie was initially put out by MTM's ascendence as she thought that *she* was supposed to be the lead female role on the show.... as if) and (2) the absolute genius of Dick van Dyke in virtually every category that defines a comic actor: physicality, timing, facial expression, teamwork. Dick van Dyke had it all, and it's such a joy to watch him in a show built to highlight his talents. And to think he's still alive to hear us singing his praises...

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