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10 years ago, I wrote about why I support Wikipedia with a monthly donation. “I consider it a subscription fee to an indispensable and irreplaceable resource I use dozens of times weekly while producing kottke[dot]org.”

Comments  7

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Philip Graham

I’m ashamed to say, I never contributed to Wikipedia before, despite my frequent usage. But a few days ago, after reading about Elon Musk’s bluster against the site, I gave a good-sized donation (secret penance) and then signed up for a monthly donation as well.
Too bad it took something stupid to get me moving.

Joel Edited

What I didn’t realise until just now is that the wikimedia foundation behind Wikipedia is a 501(c)(3) charity so your Wikipedia subscription is tax deductible in the United States.

Ross Bell

For a long time I kind of took Wikipedia for granted. I realized a couple of years ago that I probably use it every day, often several times a day. I don’t doubt Nate (weird spell check mistake) DONATE every month but I’m happy to send them 20 bucks now and then. It’s tax deductible in Canada too.

Chris Koerner Edited

I’m a Wikimedia contributor (volunteer me) and I work at the Wikimedia Foundation (professional me). Thank you to everyone who’s supported this wild and important collective effort.

Joseph Mastroeni

Always give them $$$


I love so much that wikipedia even exists. It’s as close to our hitchhikers guide to the galaxy as possible. When people say they want to google something i always blurt out “just go to Wikipedia!!”


Ugh. I have failed to date to make a contribution. Expect to rectify it next year when I shift from pissing away money to political candidates.

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