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Jamelle Bouie: “Either democracy was on the ballot in November, or it wasn’t, and if it was, it makes no political, ethical or strategic sense to act as if we live in normal times.” 100,000%!! This is driving me *nuts*. Dem pols: fight or piss off.

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Jason KottkeMOD

ABC News: Democrats' playbook to beat Republicans in 2 years: work with them now:

Democrats have a plan to take back power in Washington back from Republicans in two years: work with them now.

Democrats, who are already planning their comeback after being swept out of power in Washington last month, have said they'll oppose President-elect Donald Trump and his allies when their values collide but are open to cooperation on a range of issues, including immigration, federal spending and entitlements.

Yes, this time Lucy really is going to hold the football for Charlie Brown to kick. Leah Greenberg:

Dems: campaign on Trump as a fascist threat to democracy

*Trump wins*

Dems: we're ready to work with Trump to get stuff done!

also Dems: why don't people don't think we're authentic? it is truly a mystery

*hair tearing out noise*

Jason KottkeMOD

Loved this statement from New York Representative Pat Ryan. The last line: "Listening, learning, fighting. That is the path forward for our party."

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