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“Americans spend more years being unhealthy than people in any other country.” Among high income countries, the US has the highest rates of adults with multiple chronic conditions, shortest life expectancy at birth, highest rate of avoidable deaths, etc.

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Zach Zaletel Edited

But heaven forfend that we change anything. /s

Early on in the pandemic, I was hopeful weโ€™d break our for profit healthcare system. D have the opportunity to rebuild it in a better fashion, but alas, it was not to be.

Danielle NH Edited

I'm sure this gap between lifespan and healthspan is profitable and will likely just get bigger.

Jason KottkeMOD

I don't think I'd heard the term "healthspan" before reading that article โ€” it's a useful concept.

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Kelly Mcclain

Medicare For All/UHC could solve so many of these problems which I believe stem primarily from the design of our healthcare/insurance system. Ezekiel Emanuel has written extensively on this and is very good at summing up the issue.

Moira Edited

I've been reading Ultra-Processed People and had to put it down last night when I got to the link between ultra-processed foods (UPF's) and dementia. I have enough anxiety without dreaming of my beloved snacks trying to kill me.

That said, I recommend it and it speaks a lot to the difference between living and living healthily.

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