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A very simple little browser game: open the microwave door as close to the timer hitting 0:00 as you can without the bell dinging. (My best: 9500.)

Comments  16

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Andy Baio

I got 9,900!

John B

I'm unreasonably proud of this 10K:

Chris Thomas

I'm a fellow 10k club member

Adam Michell

hahaha! I feel the feelz too with 10K

Jared Crookston

10k club as well

Daniel Swartz

Just hit 10K too. I can sleep now.

Jordan Warshavsky

9766โ€ฆ and filled with 10k envy

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Is it a good idea to open an operating microwave? I have never really owned one but the times Iโ€™ve used one, I hit STOP then wait a moment for remnant waves before opening.

Joseph Edited

I did hit 10k on my second attempt tho so if it IS safe I expect to have the most precisely cooked soup or banana or whatever ๐Ÿ’…

Jason KottkeMOD

I think the amount of microwave energy that could escape the oven in that split second is fairly low.

Jim Berg

A fun article I remember from a while back where they discovered a mystery signal detected with a radio telescope was from a microwave being opened prematurely. Guardian article and scientific paper


Oh wow, interesting!

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Jason KottkeMOD

Looks like the absolutely unbeatable high score is 10000 with 0:00 on the clock. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Jason KottkeMOD

(Does anyone else wish the scoring was measured in milliseconds from 0 instead of out of 10000?)

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Jake Z

For most, it's apparently more challenging to clear the remaining time after opening the door so it goes back to the clock. The true fix would be for microwaves to just clear themselves after a minute or so โ€” no one is coming back hours later being like "Thanks, microwave, for remembering those final 9 seconds."

Neel Master

What a great idea.

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