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Museums should be free, but if they can’t be free, they should be free for kids, so good job anonymous MAM donor. The Milwaukee Art Museum (MAM) will now be free for kids age 12 and under through an anonymous gift of $3.54 million.

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One of the strange things about growing up in DC is learning that museums and zoos aren’t free everywhere. This is fabulous!

Ben Gates

This is incredible. We live in Milwaukee, and I've been wanting to take my 5 year old, but don't think his attention span would allow us to 'get our money's worth'. Making art and art education accessible to kids like this is a game changer!

Rick Pecoraro

I’m originally from Omaha and when I was back at Thanksgiving I was amazed to discover that the recent multimillion dollar expansion of the Joslyn Art Museum came with a new admission cost of FREE — it was kind of remarkable. Worth checking out the next time you’re somewhere in middle-America.

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