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The average brightness of car headlights on US roads has doubled since 2015. “As headlights get brighter, it’s actually becoming harder to see.” I hate the brighter headlights, both on on-coming traffic and on my car (can’t dim them).

Discussion  3 comments

Mike Riley Edited

I drive a lifted Jeep Wrangler (I know, probably not expected for this demographic) and I am absolutely aware my headlights are blinding and I don't like it. I actually carry the tools with me to adjust my headlights as needed. My Jeep does not ride level at all times. If it's just me the lights are fine until I'm very close behind someone (e.g stopped behind a car at a traffic light) but when my whole family is in the Jeep (which is rare because my children are out of the house) the back of the Jeep squats down far more than the front, making my headlights blinding for all on-coming traffic.

With all the modern tech in cars like auto "dimming" brights and lights that turn with steering wheel input, they should add auto leveling lights. My wife's ID.4 has headlights that move up & down (although I don't know when that feature is used while driving) along with left and right with the steering wheel input so I know they are close to having this feature.

Stuart Kern

And: ebikes. Seems they often use car headlights and illuminate the universe instead of the road in front of them. But they are on a bike path (or worse, a sidewalk), moving fast, and being driven like a vehicle, not ridden like a bike.

Margaret M.

I also hate these! They give me migraines.

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