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This Week

Hello there everybody. I’m working on some programming stuff to enable some future new features for the site this week, so I’m going to be around a little less than usual. My pal Aaron Cohen (previously) is going to be here to fill in some of the gaps, so be on the lookout for that. 👯‍♂️

In the meantime, what was one small thing you did this weekend that made you or someone else smile, laugh, relax, or feel satisfied? After a productive day yesterday, I treated myself to the first episode of the new season of Silo, read Craig Mod’s Things Become Other Things for 30 minutes, and listened to James by Percival Everett on audiobook for 20 minutes.

Discussion  12 comments

Andrew C.

We had friends over for a baby playdate which was great for all of us. I got a fresh pair of running shoes and I'm going to just try and commit to doing 15 mins a day of jogging outside at any pace, to help with my other goal of sleeping more and better.

Kim D.

We had friends over Saturday night for Jackbox Games - such a blast, always always a grand time with Jackbox. Despite a mild hangover Sunday, the house felt great because of the tidying-up we did before guests.

S. Ben Melhuish

I spent Saturday afternoon leisurely cooking dinner for my son and a couple of his friends, who came over from (nearby) college. It was great to see him, and he devoured the non–dining hall food.

Dan O.

Took my 3 year old son to one of those indoor trampoline parks. He absolutely *loved* getting thrown into the foam pits.


I, a grown adult, realized upon reading this that *I* would love getting thrown into a foam pit.

Surely there must be a way I can make this happen.

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Aaron CohenMOD

Went to the bookstore with my 8 year old to grab a birthday present for a friend, ended up letting him pick out a book for himself and one for his sister and one for them to share.

Jeremy Wallace

Watched Princess Mononoke as part of a film club that meets up virtually to talk about a movie every week (or so).

Caroline G.

I was busy with schoolwork all weekend, but managed to make time to have dinner with different friends on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. I feel so lucky to have wonderful people in my life.

James Risley

We had our annual "Soup Party" where three other couples come over and we serve 4 (small) bowls of soup to 8 adults and 8 kids. That's 64 bowls of soup! Lots of hits this year, including our pickle soup. And a surprise "tirami-soup" for dessert really topped things off.

Jason KottkeMOD

If you read only the first sentence and assume there's only 4 small bowls for 16 people, the Soup Party takes on a whole different character.

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Sam Brelsfoard

We brought games over to play at some friends' house (Gudetama, The Gang, Tales by CAH). Lots of laughs. Much needed.

Richard Roper

We bought a painting from an artist that I've admired for over 20 years. It's perfect and now it's ours.

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