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Fake Bear Commits Insurance Fraud

California Department of Insurance investigators watched the footage of a bear damaging the inside of a car because who wouldn’t watch that kind of video if it was submitted to them in a work setting, I know I sure would, but the thing is when the CDI investigators watched the footage they realized it wasn’t a bear at all, but a person in a bear costume, which you can bet your butt is insurance fraud if you know anything about fraud or insurance or bears.

Four individuals were arrested recently after submitting 3 insurance claims for 3 different cars in the same date and location after one of them put on the costume below and scratched up the inside of the car and they didn’t even do that good a job scratching up the car neither. This is what a real bear will do to the inside of a car, for what it’s worth.

a bear costume used to commit insurance fraudg

Discussion  4 comments

Anders Ahlberg

You at least have to give them credit for modifying the meat tongs so that one of them only has 5 points, just like a real bear.

Aaron CohenMOD

Just imagining them googling โ€œhow many claws bear.โ€

Reply in this thread

Daniel Knapp

Bwahahahahahahaha what a stupid attempt at fraud

Andrew Lilja

The submitted video is so laughably, delightfully bad. It's like something out of a sitcom. I mean, you can see the costume hanging off the guy!

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