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The trailer for an animated movie called Flow, which currently has a rating of 98% on Rotten Tomatoes. Looks gorgeous. Opens nationally in the US in early December.

Discussion  1 comment

Christophe Knox Edited

Long-time reader in Paris... thought I'd chime in because I saw "Flow" this week-end.

The movie is spectacular. Loved it.

It is NOT however the movie you see in the trailer.

The pace is about a bazillion times slower. Except for the flood, everything takes time.

And though the art direction is awe-inspiring, the plot is not the grand, sweeping, circle-of-life-esque epic to match.

Which I mean in a good way...

This is a much smaller story. Where everything is difficult. The victories are few and minuscule. And always come at a cost. You could probably argue that's one of the film's greatest assets. It makes it that much more real and memorable. But also challenging.

Be advised that this is not an easy one for young kids (and probably more than a few adults). Not only for the absence of dialogue. It features some truly anxiety-inducing scenes and moments of sheer heartbreak...

This is a movie about loss. Keep that in mind if you're expecting a rotoscope-y Latvian-influenced "Incredible Journey".

To be clear, none of this is meant to harsh on the film. I highly recommend it (for whatever a rec from a rando Kottke commenter is worth). I just think to appreciate it, you need to have a clear sense of what you're going to see.

Also : stick around for the shot at the end of the credits. Especially if you're with kids.

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