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The trailer for Mission: Impossible โ€“ The Final Reckoning. Tom Cruise…still running. I can’t wait to see what he falls off of, clings to, leaps onto, or is thrown from this time!

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The "church" is about to get a nice infusion of cash, I see.

Kevin Miller

We all make choices about where we'll draw the ethical line, and where we'll participate in the rottenness of modern consumer culture. For example, I gave up on watching the NFL and other blood sports. But I'll watch this death-cult weirdo's Mission Impossible movies until he finally dies in a stunt crash like he so clearly wants.

Daniel Prince

My aunt calls this the 'continuum of complicity.' It applies to everything. We could sail and take the train, instead of flying. We justify SOME favored processed foods. We can enjoy SOME art by monstrous men... Etc.

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