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In 2018, Nerds products brought in $40 million in sales. In the past calendar year, the company said, that number jumped to $800 million.” NERDS Gummy Clusters are good as hell and everyone’s talking about them.

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Caroline G. Edited

Nerd gummy clusters save lives!

But seriously, this summer I was on a month-long thru-hike and one evening a fellow hiker stumbled into the shelter exhausted, dehydrated, and nearly incoherent. Another thru-hiker had a package of nerd gummy clusters and made the guy eat them (all while drinking a ton of water) until he started to feel normal again. A few days later, on a particularly long and humid day, a passing day hiker pulled out a pack of nerd gummy clusters and offered them to me -- "You look like you might need these." They revived me like manna from heaven. For the rest of my hike, I made sure I had some of those sweet nuggets with me at all times -- in case of emergencies.

Aaron CohenMOD

I have always loved NERDS and I love these, too.


The thing I love most about Nerds is that they are just unaplogetically sugar. Would you prefer subtle flavoring, layered textures, or special craft in your candy? Get the hell out of here: we're barely going to finish coloring this stuff before we ship it, and you're going to like it. (And I do.)

Aaron CohenMOD

Funny you should mention the coloring. They're one of the colored candies we make ice cream with that keep their color in the ice cream.


I am going to need to learn more about this Nerds ice cream.

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Yen Ha

This information, and the subsequent comments, really made me laugh. My kids LOVE the nerds gummy clusters but I find I like the original hard nerds, probably for nostalgic reasons.


Nerds Gummy Clusters are hands down the best candy I've ever had. If I get a bag, I eat them until I feel sick. They are definitely sugar bombs.

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