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Marine biologist Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson: “Keep showing up. Join something. Find your people. Bring your superpowers. Be a problem solver. Choose your battles. Nourish joy. Love nature.”

Comments  3

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Dave Thompson

I'm encouraging all my social media connections to, until such a time as it's not true, refer to Donald Trump as "President Musk". I wish The Onion and/or Andy Borowitz would take up this cause. Please rally folks.


The quote from MLK at the end - “Where do we go from here? Chaos or community?” - is also true for these times. Chaos and community I reckon.

Tra H

Right now, I'm more disconnected from any idea of a community than I think I've ever been in my life, but I really think the way forward for liberals/democrats is going to be through community engagement.

We believe the next four years are going to be harmful for a lot of people, so I think we should consider it our job to be there to help when that harm falls. Not to tell people "I told you so" or to yell incessantly about who is causing the harm, just be there, helping.

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