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Climate scientists say we will exceed the 1.5°C temperature threshold for the first time in 2024. “The limits that were set in the Paris agreement are starting to crumble given the too-slow pace of climate action across the world.” A grim milestone.

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Paul Burdick

I want to make a joke, I really do. But, at this point, it needs to go into the queue for when I've grown out enough hair to pull it out again.

Tra H

That is a picture of the Amazon River basin. I had no idea there was a drought that bad going on there. It's pretty worrying that I can't tell the difference between a picture of a desert and the Amazon.

Alex S

I'm not diminishing this milestone, but most climate people didn't believe we could keep temps below 1.5°C. We'd have had to take significant action way back after 1997 (Kyoto Protocol) and extreme measures after 2016 (Paris Agreement).

If we take action now and also develop carbon sequestration, we'll be able to get back to 1.5C after some overshoot. 2C is a realistic goal without overshoot, but we're headed to 3.1C with current policies.

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