Election Grief Is Real. Here’s How to Cope. “You need to be patient with yourself if you’re feeling angry, sad, grieving right now. That’s a normal reaction to a surprising outcome and an outcome that…is going backward and not forward.”
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Election Grief Is Real. Here’s How to Cope. “You need to be patient with yourself if you’re feeling angry, sad, grieving right now. That’s a normal reaction to a surprising outcome and an outcome that…is going backward and not forward.”
Comments 4
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The problem is that "coping" won't fix anything.
As my wise partner reminded me, "the future belongs to those that show up." So if we want to be part of the future we need to figure out how to cope, and to survive.
The embrace of Trump's authoritarian promise was so widespread, so overwhelming, I have no idea right now how to react beyond stepping back and reconsidering my position in this world. I know I'm privileged in that this is an option for me. But I can't imagine how "rebuilding" can happen when FORTY-FIVE PER CENT of women voted for the guy who has promised to make their lives, and the lives of their daughters, less secure. FIFTEEN MILLION voters who showed up for Biden didn't show up for Harris. There is no progressive, hopeful message to take from that. I admit I can't face it, so I'm turning away for the foreseeable future. You have to practice self-care if you're going to be of any use to anyone else.
Thanks for sharing this Jason, it is helpful.
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