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Ran across a song with “741 Hz” in the title and there’s a whole Spotify playlist of similar songs (“a soothing solfeggio frequency that is used by many to let go of negativity and toxic energy”) and ngl they are relaxing.

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Kim D.

For those that don't use Spotify, I quit them a good while back and use Apple Music. When lists like this come out, I use a free app Song Shift, that will transfer playlists (songs and albums too) from one platform to another. Paid gets you faster transfers, but free has been fine for my once-in-a-while transfers. You do have to have an account with each music service; my Spotify is a free account and transferring playlists has never been a problem.

Alan Wasem

SongShift is amazing! Thank you!

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Jason KottkeMOD
Zak Mahshie

The overarching category is called "binaural beats". Supposedly different ranges have different impacts. I like them as white noise over the typical waves/rain/etc. sound machine standards, but there's no peer reviewed research on binaural beats as a therapy option.

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