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Ta-Nehisi Coates & Jon Stewart: Understanding the Humiliation of Oppression

I got a lot out of this interview with The Message author Ta-Nehisi Coates by Jon Stewart for The Daily Show.

Best-selling author Ta-Nehisi Coates sits down with Jon Stewart to talk about his latest book, “The Message,” and reconciling past and present vestiges of oppression. They discuss his visits to Senegal, South Carolina, and The West Bank, how past atrocities like slavery and the holocaust can create a zero-sum game of control, the need for safety and statehood despite morally problematic systems, his exposure to Palestinian stories that have been hidden in American media, understanding the physical traumas of the Black community, and the purpose in writing to shape the world around us.

See also his interview with Chris Hayes on MSNBC:

And with Terry Gross on Fresh Air.

Discussion  1 comment

Tra H

Also, in contrast to these good interviews, watch this CBS Mornings interview where Tony Dokoupil attempts to railroad Coates while casually laying some fairly antisemitic claims at his feet.

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