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Kelli Anderson details how the clever A-to-Z 7-segment display mechanism works on the front of Alphabet in Motion, her new pop-up book about typography.

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M Pawliger Edited

Kelli's book is paper engineering plus a deep dive into type itself.

If you like the paper engineering aspect of the book, and, honestly, who wouldn’t? you should check out The Movable Book Society’s A to Z: Marvels in Paper Engineering, a similar exercise in A–Z letterform exploration, each by a different artist, done in the form of greeting cards.

There is also Marion Bataille's ABC3D, a pop-up book of A–Z that is an older similar exercise in alphabet pop-ups. It’s out of print but is available used.

Kelli's Patreon is also a cool way to get quarterly paper arts projects. Past ones have included a pinhole camera (with film!) to view the eclipse, various geometric origami-like folding pieces, and interactive pop-art posters.

M Pawliger

Replying to myself here. Of course, look down the page at who designed ‘N’ in A to Z: Marvels in Paper Engineering

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